The Programming is Performance based and has everything in it to make you Fitter, Faster and Stronger.
You can dip in and out…
Choose the sessions you want…
Or mix it up with other types of training…
However, to fully benefit from the S&C Programming you should consistently hit at least:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri
It’s a Progressive Programme week on week.
Percentage Based Programming from your 1 Rep Max that we complete during Testing Week
Mon: Interval Weight Training (IWT)
Primarily focused on the Anaerobic System and Upper Body
Tues: Strength (STR)
Lower Body Strength Training
Wed: General Physical Preparedness (GPP)
General Conditioning
Primarily focused on the Aerobic System
Thurs: Strength (STR)
Upper Body Strength Training
Fri: Power (PWR)
The main ingredient for all sports that require speed and agility
Your opportunity to put your Weekly Training to the Test
A competitive team based workout